All kinds of traditional Chinese fans can be classified into two groups, namely folding fans and fans with handle based on different structures. Among the rich assortment of fans with handle, up to now the earliest ones are a bamboo fan with short handle unearthed from the tombs of the Warring States Period in Hubei, and a feather fan of the same period excavated in Hunan. On the other hand, Chinese fans are distinguished for their elegant fan-covers. The fans could also be classified into bamboo fan, feather fan, silk fan, paper fan and ivory fan according to the material of fan-cover. Of the fan-covers with different shapes, round silk fan, also called Tuan Shan, is in people's good graces.
Like porcelain, fan is not only an article for daily use but part of Chinese culture. That is why the collectors of all succeeding generations have been particularly interested in fans, and the artistic pieces on the fan-covers put under a seperate category by the connoisseurs. More Info about Chinese Fans
Please click on each Chinese hand fan below for detailed information.
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